Uralla Knitting Group offers blanket of support to local family
The beautiful hand-knitted wool blanket to be raffled to raise funds for local family — stunningly crafted by the Uralla Knitting Group. [Image courtesy of New England Focus magazine.]
The hand-knitted, queen-sized blanket is made from Cleckheaton Country 8ply wool. [Image courtesy of New England Focus magazine.]
Update on the blanket raffle!
On Thursday 27 September the Uralla Knitting Group met with Christie to draw the winning ticket.
The lucky winner is Amanda Nagle from Armidale.
Christie received $2,000 raised from the raffle.
The Uralla Wool room would like to thank the Uralla knitting group for the donation of this wonderful blanket and all those who bought tickets.
We are also very grateful for the generosity of our customers who were delighted to be involved in such a worthy cause.
We take this opportunity to wish the Oxley family all the best.
Here’s the story as it started …
A dedicated group of Uralla knitters has combined their time and expertise in an inspired gesture of community support: to raise funds for the Oxley family of Uralla. Two of Jacob and Christie’s three beautiful children have Spinal Muscular Atropy. The family are desperately trying to raise funds to go the USA to access specialized medical treatment, as yet unavailable in Australia. The knitting group has hand-knitted a stunningly beautiful blanket that will be raffled to contribute to the much-needed pool of funds for the family’s necessary journey to the States.
Susan McMullen from the knitting group came up with the idea and was backed enthusiastically by the knitters. Twelve months later, the stunning two-colour queen-sized blanket, made from Cleckheaton Country 8ply wool, is finished.
A raffle for the exquisite blanket is now underway. Everyone who buys a ticket will be part of this warm gesture of support.
The Knitting and Crochet Group gets together twice a week to share ideas and copious cups of tea. Don't hesitate giving Annie a call at The Uralla Wool Room on 67784226 if you're interesting in joining!